Heather Clemson Suzuki Teacher
If you would like to download any resources - please click on the underlined words below
TT Timetable 11th 12th January 2025
Kim`s Brain talk 1
Kim`s Brain Talk 2
Assignments: Assignment /requirements /deadlines 2024/ 2025
Check list for lessons
Karina & Charlotte`s `Setting up a Suzuki Studio` info
Progress article - hand out
Setting up a new Suzuki programme L1 - Example
Ability Development & Mother Tongue Method - video of Dr Suzuki talking about this topic.
Kimberley`s pdf of PPt slides from 26.9.2021
download here
Violin set up - chin rests - shoulder rests
- violin shops/ services
`What is a good lesson?` - hand outs
Quality indicators
Group lesson planning
Leading a group lesson
Emma`s Stress and Anxiety PPt
Charlotte`s Games sessions
Session 1: pdf
Session 2: pdf
Session 1: https://youtu.be/NVqSrJi1ckQ
Session 2: https://youtu.be/KisQFIl2X5U
Heather`s classes
Vibrato & Shifting - Zoom lesson link
Vibrato and Shifting exercises
What to teach and how to teach it - hand out
https://youtu.be/RRfpY0jLFs0 - Zoom lesson link
Techniques devt Left Hand
Techniques devt Right Hand
Jane A`s talk:
Role of the Parent and how it develops
Banana Cake recipe
Tiffin recipe
Effective Practice - L4
Topics - discuss `how to teach`
The Changing Role of the Parent L3 - Example
Bibliography L5 - Example
Enrichment Repertoire Info
Supplementary Bks 6 - 8
Supplementary Bks 6 - 8 SN
Group Pieces Helen Butterworth
Extra Repertoire for Suzuki Violin HB
Teaching Points
Bk 1 Lightly Row - Perpetual Motion
Bk 1 Allegretto - Gossec Gavotte
Book 1 Violin - Piano accompaniment music
Bk 2 Judas Mac - Bourree
Bk 2 Two Grenadiers - Boccherini Minuet
Book 2 Violin - Piano accompaniment music
Bk 3 Martini Gavotte - G minor Gavotte
Bk 3 Humoresque - Bach Bourree
Book 3 Violin - Piano accompaniment music
Bk 4 Seitz 1
Bk 4 Seitz 2
Bk 4 Seitz 3 (Chord tips from Jane 1 2 )
Bk 4 Seitz 3 Bar 125 https://youtu.be/Wd8V050OlEU
Bk 4 Seitz 3 Bar 127 https://youtu.be/gf18lu2ZjBQ
Bk 4 Vivaldi A minor 1st mvt
https://youtu.be/3x_jAGpfGE4 (orch accomp)
Bk 4 Vivaldi A minor 3rd mvt
https://youtu.be/lbWxkdGX9xA (orch accomp)
Bk 4 Perpetual Motion Bohm
Bk 4 Bach Double
Bk 5 Unacc Gavottes Bach
Bk 5 Vivaldi A minor 2nd mvt
Bk 5 Vivaldi G minor 1st mvt
Bk 5 Vivaldi G minor 2nd mvt
Bk 5 Vivaldi G minor 3rd mvt
Bk 5 Country Dance
Bk 5 German Dance
Bk 5 Veracini Gigue
Bk 6 La Folia
Bk 6 Handel F major 1st mvt
Bk 6 Handel F major 2nd mvt & 3rd mvts
Bk 6 Handel F major 4th mvt
Bk 6 Fiocco Allegro
Bk 6 Rameau Gavotte
Bk 6 Handel D major 1st mvt
Bk 6 Handel D major 2nd mvt
Bk 6 Handel D major 3rd & 4th mvt
Bk 7 Mozart Minuet
Bk 7 Courante Corelli
Bk 7 Handel A major 1st mvt & 2nd mvt
Bk 7 Handel A major 3rd mvt & 4th mvt
Bk 7 Bach A minor 1st mvt
https://youtu.be/plP8fp_Dxvs (orch accomp)
https://youtu.be/Bl9j3jWf4n0 (orch accomp)
Bk 7 Bach A minor 2nd mvt
Bk 7 Bach A minor 3rd mvt
Bk 7 Bach Gigue
Bk 7 Bach Courante
Bk 7 Corelli Allegro
Bk 8 1st mvt & 2nd mvt Sonata G minor Eccles
Bk 8 3rd mvt Sonata G minor Eccles
Bk 8 4th mvt Sonata G minor Eccles
Bk 8 Tambourin Gretry
Bk 8 Largo Bach
Bk 8 Allegro /Preludio Bach
Bk 8 Largo Espressivo Pugnani
Bk 8 1st mvt Ritornello Sonata E minor Veracini
Bk 8 2nd mvt Allegro con fuoco Sonata E minor Veracini
Bk 8 Minuet, Gavotte & Gigue Sonata E minor Veracini
BOOK 9 - recording of Anne-Sophie Mutter
Mozart A major Concerto
Piano part 1st mvt: https://youtu.be/a69CDB9qnJc
BOOK 10 - recording of Anne-Sophie Mutter
Mozart D major Concerto
Piano part 1st mvt: https://youtu.be/miO93IKEhho